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Computer Science

Computer Science

Curriculum Overview

Intent: Our Purpose and Ambition

Subject Vision:

Computer Science is an exciting subject in a growth area for jobs. We aim to combine the key concepts related to computational thinking, information technology and digital literacy to provide students with knowledge and skills across the main elements of computer science.

At its core is computational thinking, problem solving, and logical thinking skills used by computer scientists and programmers to solve complex problems, which can also be applied to real world issues in many other subjects and disciplines.

Writing programs allows students to put these skills to the test, and to develop their ability to work through problems and find solutions. Technology has a large impact on our lives so it is also important to consider the ethical, moral and safety issues it can bring.

Scheme of Work:

The scheme of work draws heavily upon material provided by the National Centre for Computing Education. The resources provide a consistent approach to our teaching with resources that become familiar to pupils.

Our scheme also covers all of the requirements of the National Curriculum Computing PoS. This is broken into four distinct strands:

  • Programming
  • Information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information)
  • Digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully)
  • Data and data representation (how data is represented and used in computers and technology)

In programming, it is the intention of the curriculum to introduce, develop and secure, the understanding of the three key concepts of programming:

  • Sequence
  • Selection
  • Iteration

Understanding of these concepts is crucial to understanding programming and will sit at the core of all programming that is done, whether it is Scratch or Python.

The units undertaken start with block based programming on Scratch, moving onto Python text based programming and HTML in Year 9. Alongside the key concepts, pupils will develop their problem solving skills through a wide range of programming tasks and activities. They will also look at how to use variables and functions.

It is not the intention to turn KS3 pupils into programmers, this process is started at GCSE level.

Our key aims from the curriculum follow the federation’s ASPIRE strapline.

AMBITION – We want our students to have the ambition to see the ever increasing computing industry in their futures.
SUCCESS- See how the world of computing can shape the world by starting with small ideas. Achieve success with these and move on to bigger things.
PROGRESS- Gain knowledge and understanding of key computing concepts, working increasing levels of programming. Gaining a wider knowledge of digital literacy and how it affects then every day.
INSPIRATION- Be inspired by the scope of just what computers can do in the modern age. Want to be a part of it.
RESPECT- We want our students to be respectful of each other, their environment, their equipment and their teachers. We help pupils with this by showing respect ourselves as teachers.
EQUALITY- All pupils are treated the same in terms of opportunities and experience in the classroom. In return, we expect pupils to treat others with equality, regardless of race, religion, colour, gender, orientation

What do we expect students to get from Computing?

At its core, our scheme aims to provide pupils with computational thinking, problem solving, and logical thinking skills used by computer scientists and programmers to solve complex problems, which can also be applied to real world issues in many other subjects and disciplines.

Pupils will also gain an understanding of digital literacy, allowing them to use skills across subjects to create effective presentation of their work in a variety of formats. Pupils will also gain an understanding of what it means to be a safe and respectful member of online communities.

Implementation: Design, Pedagogy and Assessment

How does learning develop over the five years?
Year 7:

Programming: Using Scratch, a block based programming language which enable pupils to focus on structure rather than coding grammar and syntax.
Digital Literacy and IT: Pupils look at Being safe and respectful online, researching and presenting information, digital imaging and manipulation.
Data and Data Representation: Using spreadsheets

Year 8:

Programming: Starting with block based Javascript event-based programming, moving on to typed Python at the end of the year.
Digital Literacy and IT: Computer systems, media project, networking
Data and Data Rep: Binary, and binary conversions, Boolean Logic, representing sound and images.

Year 9:

Programming: Text based Python using turing lab, coding web pages using HTML and CSS.
Digital Literacyand IT: Cyber security and its implications for personal data security, creating Vector Graphics, create a comic strip.
Data and Data Rep: Securing personal data, vector graphic representation.

Year 10/11:

The curriculum used is based upon the Teach Computing SoW. The Teach Computing Curriculum has been written to support all pupils. Each lesson is sequenced so that it builds on the learning from the previous lesson, and where appropriate, activities are scaffolded so that all pupils can succeed and thrive. Scaffolded activities provide pupils with extra resources, such as visual prompts, to reach the same learning goals as the rest of the class. Exploratory tasks foster a deeper understanding of a concept, encouraging pupils to apply their learning in different contexts and make connections with other learning experiences.

How is the timetabled curriculum supplemented or enriched by other approaches to learning?

Catch-up and revision sessions.

Impact: Attainment, Progress, Knowledge, Skills and Destinations

What forms do assessments take? What is the purpose of assessment?

KS3 – end of unit formative assessment tests.
KS4 – Unit formative assessments, programming skills are assessed throughout, mock exams using past papers.

How do we know if we have a successful curriculum?

Most pupils will be engaged in their learning and show a willingness and enjoyment of the subject. Current curriculum has been extensively modified to help ensure success.

How do we support ‘High Attaining’ pupils?

Computing is a subject where high attaining pupils thrive. Programming inherently lends itself to complexity which is easily extendable for HA pupils. The theory element can be very technical and again helps HA pupils extend their knowledge. In some areas, extended reading is provided to widen subject knowledge.
Teach To The Top.

Computer Science Curriculum Map

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