Uniform & Equipment
It is expected that all students will come to school every day in a neat, clean, uniform, giving the message that our students take pride in belonging to their College. The support of parents and carers is essential to this process.
The uniform consists of:
- Blazer : Charcoal with blue trim and College badge.
- Shirt: Plain white, long or short sleeved (with pointed collar, not rounded, with top button fastened)
- Trousers: Tailored black trousers
- Skirt: Plain black pleated knee-length
- Shoes: Plain black (shoes must be all black)
- Tie: School tie (clip-on ties for all year groups)
- Jumper: Long-sleeved grey jumper with College badge (optional purchase, but no other jumper is acceptable)
- Socks: Plain black or white
- Tights: Plain black or neutral
- Outdoor coat: Suitable outdoor coat (hoodies are not permitted on the site)
PE Kit:
- College sports top with school logo
- Plain black shorts/skorts of an appropriate length or plain black tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings (these must be plain black sport leggings NOT fashion leggings).
- Plain black long sport socks
- Optional PE items: Fleece top (plain black with logo) or sweatshirt without a hood or zip (plain black) , rain jacket (plain black with logo)
Additional general rules:
- Hair: Hair must be in an appropriate style for school and must not reflect any extremes of fashion (style or colour)
- Makeup: No makeup in Years 7 or 8. In Years 9, 10 and 11 discreet makeup may be worn but should not be noticeable. Nail varnish, false nails, acrylic or gel nails must not be worn to school
- Jewellery: A watch (not a smart watch), one plain simple ring (e.g. a signet ring) and one pair of discreet stud earrings are the only items of jewellery allowed in school. No other facial or body piercings are allowed in school.
- Protective clothing / equipment: Students will be required to use protective clothing / equipment in some lessons, e.g. Art, Science, Design and Technology and PE (shin pads, gum shields etc.)
Uniform Suppliers
All branded uniform items must be purchased from Kids & Co or Toymaster.
You can purchase uniform online:
Alternatively, you can visit a shop:
Kids & Co: 22 High Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 2HW
The School Shop: 9 Union Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 2DU
Carisbrooke College is committed to ensuring that it’s school uniform is affordable and accessible to all pupils. To support this, we have kept branded items to a minimum. We are also offering the facility to obtain second-hand uniform from the college, subject to availability. If you are interested in any items of uniform second-hand, through the college, please complete the form below and we will contact you to assist with your requirements.
Equipment Expectations
It is important that students arrive to school with the correct equipment so that they are ready to learn. We expect all students to bring an adequately sized school bag containing the following:
- Water bottle
- lunch/snack
- coat (weather dependent)
- PE kit (on timetabled days)
- ingredients for Food Tech (if required)
- reading book
- pencil case containing (as a minimum) 2 blue/black pens; 1 red pen; 2 pencils; set of colouring pencils; a ruler; a glue stick.