Creative Careers Week - Music Workshops

On Wednesday 5 February, we were very fortunate to have two exciting workshops take place at Carisbrooke College as part of Creative Island's 'Future Creative Careers Week'.
Our GCSE Music students first had 'An Audience with... Pathways into the Music Industry' workshop with the IOW Music Hub team, exploring the world of the Music Industry and its various different career pathways, and looking at lots of the exciting opportunities available for students post-16 and onwards. Following this, our GCSE Music students and the whole of Year 9 were treated to an interactive workshop with Platform One that offered further insight into the Music Industry and careers, as well as a Q&A session and some fantastic live music performances from students currently studying at Platform One.
Our students were a credit to Carisbrooke, engaging very well with the workshops and using this exciting opportunity to ask lots of questions to support their own pathways as they consider their GCSE and post-16 options. If your child has any questions about Music as an option for GCSE or post-16, please then please speak to Mrs Peckham who will be more than happy to discuss this further with them.